• News

    Manitoba Trails Day Event on June 1st!

    RSTA is excited to announce that we’re hosting an International Trails Day event in partnership with Trans Canada Trail. Join us on June 1 to celebrate our beloved trail! This event is made possible by the generous support of Trans Canada Trail. We are one out of 10 trail groups Trans Canada Trail has chosen to highlight in Canada this year, the only one in Manitoba.

  • News

    RSTA is looking for maintenance services

    The Rossburn Subdivision Trail Association (RSTA) is a non-profit organization managing the Rossburn Subdivision Trail. We are requesting an expression of interest for the maintenance services along the trail consisting of 176 km running from Neepawa to Russell on an old railway bed.

  • Information,  News

    Winter fun on the Rossburn Subdivision Trail

    Snowmobilers – Trail is open for 2023! The Rossburn Subdivision Trail allows you to discover our wonderful province – during all seasons. Most of the trail is groomed for snowmobiling in winter. Snowmobiling on the trail For more detailed information about snowmobiling in Manitoba and for current trail conditions, we recommend to have a look at the official homepage of Snoman (Snowmobilers of Manitoba) Incorporated. Click here for Snoman’s Interactive Trail Status Map. Want to explore the Rossburn Subdivision Trail? Watch for Trail No. 13! The Rossburn Subdivision Trail runs under Trail No. 13 on Snoman’s trail map. This trail takes you from Russell to Neepawa. Several local snowmobiling clubs…

  • News,  Trail updates

    Team effort! – Successful Trail Clean Up in Neepawa

    Locals get together on a Trail Clean up in Neepawa On June 27 & 28, 2022 the Neepawa Middle School Grade 6C class and the Neepawa Lions teamed up to participate in a “Trail Clean-up” event along The Trans Canada Trail system that runs through Neepawa.  A combination of young and old teaming up to accomplish this goal while helping to clean their community. Neepawa Middle Schoolers and Neepawa’s Lions Club out on the trail together The grade six students cleaned up over 5km of trail in and around their community leading from “The Back Forty”, new bicycle park all the way to Lions Riverbend Park.  Grade 6C teacher Mrs.…

  • Information,  News

    Fishing along the Rossburn Subdivision Trail

    The new fishing map by Asessippi Parkland Tourism has been published recently! Taking this as an opportunity to give you more information on fishing along the Rossburn Subdivision Trail. Fishing lakes along the Rossburn Subdivision Trail While traveling on the Rossburn Subdivision Trail and through the communities along the trail ,the closest lakes for fishing are the following: Spear Lake (30) Rossman Lake (31) Arrow Lake (34) Patterson Lake (36) Seech Lake (33) Tokaryk Lake (37) Closer towards Riding Mountain National Park, you find: Silver Beach (35) Deep Lake (32) Depending on the lake, there is a chance to fish for Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout, Northern Pike, Walleye, Lake Whitefish,…